yvonne chew
Don't know why I suddenly have so many things to blog about.. maybe is because of my good mood and yea, my mood is officially getting better days by days.. xD but, yvonne is still yvonne, cause she is lazy to categorize them so she decided to cut it short and make all into one post.. =)

Part 1:

yvonne already settle her family problem.. well, not 100% but at least 85%.. ^^

Part 2:

yvonne received her paid to get something that she owed to someone.. ^^

Part 3:

yvonne's lovely grandmother went back to JB this morning.. she misses her so much.. =(

Part 4:

yvonne is going to hang out with her darling next week.. ^^

Part 5:

it seems like yvonne is walking out from her sadness and settle everything up is just still left one more thing.. but I couldn't settle up these days as he is busy with his assignment and projects.. =(

Part 6:

Chinese New Year is coming soon, yvonne is looking forward to grab ang pao.. hehe ^^

Part 7:

the last part AND it's the MOST important part!! My darling is having a piano competition tomorrow!! *pray hard* hope to hear good news from you.. no matter what I will always support you want.. gambate!! muackss ^^

Now, I wanna go to bed already even though I am not tired.. cause you guys will see a new brand Yvonne starting from tomorrow.. =) Buenas noches!!
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