yvonne chew
A very quick update..

Von von fallen sick already.. =(
and I know, for those who saw me in APIIT today, 100% won't believe this..
cause I look so well and still very hyper active tim..
I won't blame you guys cause when I told my mom that I am not feeling well, she also doesn't believe me..
(but I have proof!! )

so, after class dismiss,
my mom brought me to see doctor cause I kept complaining not feeling well non stop.. hehe
then, when the doctor see me, her first question is: why are you here?
I am here of cause I sick la, if not? come here to play with you ar..
got extra time, i rather go sleep better..
then she checked whether I got fever or not..
when she takes the termometer out, she said: got fever ar! who said no fever?
I was like: damn, then u still asked me come here for what? ZZZ
She continued: If your fever still no lower down in these 4-5 days, come back again and take a blood test!!
My mom was besides me..
now, she finally believe that I really not feeling well..
(my mom and the doctor quite close want actually)
then, my mom asked her whether she is going to UK soon..
she answered this friday..
then I asked her going UK as travelling or staying there..
then she said she has 3 children, 2 boys 1 girl..
2 boys working there, going there just to visit them..

I requested for more stronger medicines.. as I gotta recover faster..
(3 assignments are still waiting me leh..)
Then she gave, and asked me wanna take MC or not..
tomorrow 4 classes of visual basic, if I take MC, i sure will miss out alot of things..
So, I said no!!
she praised me- HARDWORKING leh... LoL!

ok la, so it's proof time...

cough syrups..

pain killer..

this is not panadol.. this is panadeine.. (for fever and flu)

I hate medicines!! =(
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